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Join date: Dec 22, 2020


I want to travel the world and see things that I can't see from the outside of my window or my home's barriers. I want to advocate for Black Lives Matter and restore justice to those African-American communities and neighborhoods. I no longer want to imagine freedom or liberation; I want to work with my generation and make it happen. I want to embrace my Pacific Island/Asian/African-American mix. I want to empower the women and men around me to be more than just their minds and what they put on paper, but the strength in their voices and thoughts. Love can fight any battle. We must fight our issues with knowledge and genuine compassion for a cause. My heart grows fond for every individual, whether I know you or of you. My toxic childhood and history, my environment, and the millions of thoughts that have danced around my head from a young age have made me who I am. I will not back down from any battle or situation that comes my way, and no obstacle can stop me now. I cannot be satisfied with satisfactory work. Every day, I wake up determined to do something, and I sleep knowing I am achieving one thing at a time. I live by means of progress and knowing that I did something impactful every day. Challenging myself and those that I love to be the better version that they are destined to be will forever be my mission.

Liv G

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